This morning's Zoom meeting (12th January) was well-attended (15) and we shared our memories of shops and businesses in and around Selby which we could recall. As an exercise, I jotted down the names of the shops mentioned and have written them below. Any mistakes in the spelling are mine entirely!
In no particular order,Sugdens grocers on Gowthorpe, formerly McHales?
Meadow dairy, where WH Smith is now
Wetherell's both the department store and the greengrocers in the market place and surrounding villages
Bellerby's on the Crescent, newsagent and printer of the Selby Times
Gotch's electrical shop in Finkle Street/Wide Street, in competition with Curry's, Vallances and the Co=op Electrical shop
Hepworths men's outfitters on Finkle Street
Everatts, furniture shop which later became Gotch's
Burton's Ironmongers on Finkle Street (lovely smell!) and another ironmonger shop nearby?
Selby Mutual Benefit Society -grocers at 56Flaxley Road, now to be a Big and Local hub. Originally run by the Stripe family with numerous other branches nearby.
Woolworths - many memories of working there, wooden floors, pick'n'mix, etc.
Jackson's Supermarket near Woolworths, long narrow shop.
The Granary - on Church Hill/Lane, good for fresh yeast and loose cereals, all kinds of healthy foods
.Stan Jackson nearby (not sure what he sold)
Engelharts on Church Hill
Spinks cycle shop on Church Lane
Evans sewing shop on Brook Street, well-remembered by many, just down from Howcrofts DIY shop, now a Beauty Salon
Rocketts (a clothes shop?) with a special round window possibly on New Street?
Foster menswear on Gowthorpe - always had clothes i didn't really need, but wasn't ready for Greenwood's across the road
!Co-op on Wide Street, now Rooms for All
Corunna Cafe on Ousegate
Spencers electricals New Street- a brilliant shop for all kinds of spares - sadly missed
Garbos - also on
Heptonstalls grocers on the corner of Wide Street and Millgate - old-style shop with wooden counters and shelving. Apparently was Isaac Lees before that and the shop interior was re-located to York Castle Museum. The site became Sophie's elegant fashion house and is now the Jammie Olive cafe.
The Mascot cafe on Gowthorpe and Ross's cafe in the Market Place
Much discussion about fish and chip shops, too numerous to list here and also hairdressers.
In just over an hour, we covered many shops and I'm sure there are more to discuss another time.
Thanks to all participants.
Home and Colonial in the market place