Selby & District Family History Group

Helping you to research your family tree

About us
We are a small friendly group with an interest and passion in family history.
We were formed in May 2001 from a short Workers Education Association Family History Course.
We are now once again meeting in the back room of Selby Town Hall.

We have visiting speakers, workshops and outings to enhance our knowledge. We enjoy sharing our experiences and our family treasures at regular "members-led" sessions.
We finish our meetings with coffee and conversations.
The picture alongside is not our meeting place - it is one of many old buildings in Selby.
We have recently been awarded a grant from Selby Town Council to help us survive as a group - many thanks!

About Us image

17th December

10:00 AM
Christmas traditions
Location: Selby Town Hall studio

Time to share any traditions which have developed in your house for Christmas, games, food, songs, etc. We also may have a mince pie or two. If you want to bring something along, it would be most welcome.

 Fifteen members arrived to have a good gossip, research, exchange news and drink coffee. We had to put out an extra table! Great to see so many attending a research morning!

About 20 members met to hear stories about the histories of our houses, or a particular house, following on from Jackie Depelle's talk. We had contributions from new and established members and it was a very informative morning. There was also a quiz, testing our knowledge of places within 50 yards of the Town Hall - interesting!

This year, we were invited to have a Christmas tree in Selby Abbey to celebrate and promote our activities as a group. Baubles have been placed on the tree with surnames of the families we are researching. At the top is our overseas member, not Father Christmas, but Tonkinson, the surname of the family which emigrated from Yorkshire in the 1820s. Alongside the tree is our Chair, Jenny, holding a list of surnames we are researching.

 A good number (just over a dozen) met to discuss research, exchange website addresses and ask about technical issues. We also discovered a copy of Nick Barratt's book about tracing the history of your house. Useful!

A talk from Jackie Depelle, this time telling us about discovering house history : ideas, resources and websites. Another fascinating canter through all the resources available to researchers. A welcome visitor on a snowy day!

A dozen members met for a lively session, exchanging news, stories, resources and links for our website.

A member-led meeting, which was full of information and linking themes. We had contributions from several members telling us about RAF service at different airfields, a moving story about Japanese POWs and a link between one area of research and another member's research into the Royal Navy during WW2.

A select few met to continue research, ask each other questions and drink coffee and tea, despite the roadworks.

Our visit to RAF Snaith Museum, at Pollington, was a great success, with almost twenty visitors listening carefully to a talk by Tony about the history of the airfield. Zoe made us feel very welcome as we enjoyed tea, coffee and cake from the NAAFI. There were several rooms to explore, all filled with interesting artefacts donated from various sources. There was also a display dedicated to the Land Army, who moved in after the airfield closed. It is well worth a visit!

A busy morning, asking questions and carrying out our own research.

Our AGM took place with a good attendance and several people paying their annual subscription, (by the end of October please). John Riley stepped down from the position of Chair and Jenny stepped forward to fill the role. We wish her all the best for a successful term of office!

Research, training and copying session

  • Selby Town Hall, North Yorkshire
  • York Street, Selby YO8 4AJ

We have returned to meeting in the back room of Selby Town Hall. If you are interested in joining our Group, come along to a meeting or contact the e-mail address above for details.

Would you like to join our Group? Perhaps you would like to try us out before joining?
Here is how it could work......

If you want to attend a particular meeting, you could email the Secretary at or just turn up at the door. You can then join the meeting and see if it is for you.
If you want to join the Group, membership costs £10 for the annual subscription, to be a member. Then, each meeting has a £3 charge on the door, £4 if it is a visiting speaker. Non-members would pay £5, so it is worth becoming a member!

Becoming a member image
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First Press Release


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Third Press Release


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Event Archive

 Event Archive - from 2011 to the present day, these are our meetings which have taken place, the majority of them held in Selby Town Hall. Most recent are at the bottom of the page.


1st February Meeting Introducing the new Website.Group Computers/Parish Records

8th February 9:30am Brayton Parish Hall'Training Meeting'

15th February Meeting Speaker Maureen Hambrecht'Where are They'?

22nd February 9:30am Brayton Parish Hall'Training Meeting'

1st March Meeting Speaker Brian Parker'Using Scottish Records'

8th March 9:30am Brayton Parish Hall'Training Meeting'

15th March Meeting Speaker Susan Butler'Parish Records'

29th March Meeting Members'Show and Tell'

5th April 9:30am Brayton Parish Hall'Training Meeting'

12th April Meeting Members Personal Research(Bring along your personal research for help and support)

26th April Meeting Speaker Susan ButlerFollow up to 'Parish Records' 15th March - 'Pitfalls and Where Else Can I Look'?

3rd May 10am Brayton Parish Hall'Committee Meeting'

10th May Meeting'Family Tree Software in Depth, with Muriel Bowker'

18th May (Wed) 9:30am Brayton Parish Hall'Training Meeting'

24th May Meeting Speaker Jo. HeronYorkshire Archeological Society

7th June Meeting'The History of the Railway Around Selby, With Pictures and Memorabilia'

14th June 10am Brayton Parish Rooms'Committee Meeting'

21st June Outing to National Railway Museum, Opportunity to View Archives

TO CELEBRATE THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SELBY & DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP.We Are Holding An Open Day at the Methodist Church HallOn The 27th June 2011, 10am to 3pm. Everyone Welcome !

5th July Meeting 'Personal Research Day'

12th July 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

19th July Meeting, Speaker Jackie Depelle'Starting Family History Continued'

26th July 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

2nd August Meeting, Speaker Carol Sayner'A Last Word'

9th August 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting' followed by 'Committee Meeting'

16th August Meeting Speaker Gill Briscoe'The History of Your House'New Topic-'Marriage'

23rd August 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

30th August Meeting'History of Transport Around Selby - Including River Transport

13th September Annual General Meeting.Annual Subscriptions Due.See Membership Page for Details

27th September Meeting, Speaker Sheila Dixon'Yorkshire Families and the Loss of the Titanic'.

4th October 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

11th October Meeting. Speaker Ken Sayner'Bits and Bobs' 

18th October 9:30am Brayton Scout HQ'Training Meeting'

25th October Meeting. Speaker Rachel Walker and Friendsfrom the Waterways Museum in Goole.'Life on the Tom Puddings!'

1st November 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

 8th November Meeting. Speaker Gill Briscoe'Wills and Probate'

15th November.  Brayton Scout HQ'Training Meeting 9:30am-11:00am, Committee Meeting 11:00am'.

22nd November Meeting. Speaker Gill Briscoe 'The History of your House' 

29th November 9:30am Brayton Parish Rooms'Training Meeting'

6th December, Ken & Carol, Quiz at the Town Hall followed byChristmas Lunch at The Londesborough Hotel.


10th January 'Memories of Selby Floods'

17th January 9:30am Brayton Scout Hut'Training Meeting'

24th January Speaker Ron Ellis.'Selby Hospital'.

Venue Change ..31st January 9:30am Town Hall'Training Meeting'

7th February'Cochranes--- ShipbuildersThis event has been changed.Our Chairman Ken is to give a presentation of his own.

14th February. Brayton Parish Rooms.'Committee Meeting'.

21st February. Speaker, Peter Warren.'Agriculture'.

28th February 9:30am Town Hall'Training Meeting' 

6th March'Selby People…from our Research'

13th March 9:30am Town Hall'Training Meeting'

20th March'Research Day'

27th March 9:30am Town Hall'Training Meeting' 

3rd April Speaker Susan Butler.'Presenting Your Work'

10th April'Trip to Borthwick Institute'.

17th April Speaker Jackie Depelle.Subject TBA

24th April 9:30 Town Hall'Training Meeting'

1st May Speaker Ellen Tout 'History of Cochranes Ship Yard'

8th May 9:30 Town Hall'Training Meeting'   13th May Family History Day at Goole Waterways MuseumVolunteers Wanted. 9:30am Start

15th May Speaker Ron Christian'The Battle of Towton'

22nd May Trip to British LibraryBoston Spa

29th May Speaker Ken Sayner'Victorians, Snaith and Chapel'

12th June Town Hall'Were you there? Royal Memorabilia'

26th June 'Visit to Goole Waterways Museum'10am Start. Boat Trips at 10:15 and 11:15Followed by Lunch at The Aire & Calder

17th July Town Hall. Speaker Muriel Bowker'Those Elusive Ancestors'

24th July Town Hall. Speaker Jackie DepelleSubject TBA

31st July Town Hall'Training Meeting'

7th August Town Hall. Speaker Irene Ward'Oh Eliza'.Followed by Committee Meeting.

14th August 'The Churches of Cowick and Snaith'Meet at Cowick Church 10am.Pub Lunch Follows.

 21st August Town Hall. Speaker Roland Ward.'Local History'

28th August Town Hall'Training Meeting'

4th September Town Hall'Open Meeting for Members to Present Their Own Research'18th September Town Hall'AGM'

25th September Town Hall'Training Meeting' 

2nd October Town HallFilm- National Memorial Aboretum

9th October Town Hall'Training Meeting' 

10th October Town Hall. 150th CelebrationsSDFHG to Participate.

16th October Town Hall. Speaker Jo Heron'Images, Information and Intrigue.

30th October Town Hall. Speaker David Lewis Ongoing research into the Yorkshire roots of Selby scientist Smithson Tennant FRS

6th November Town Hall'Training Meeting'

 13th November Town Hall. Speaker Rene Ounsley'New Zealand Airman's Film'

20th November Town Hall'Training Meeting'

27th November Town Hall. Members'Show and Tell'

4th December Town hall.'Training Meeting'

11th December 11am. No 8 RestaurantChristmas Quiz and Lunch


January 8th Committee Meeting

January 15th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

January 22nd Town Hall Speaker Rhoda Dickenson'Admiral Southeron (One of Nelson's Admirals)'

January 29th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

February 5th Town Hall. Speakers Chiefly Yourselves.'Memories of Work'

February 12th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

February 19th Town Hall. Speaker Susan Butler'Local History'

February 26th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

March 5th Town Hall. Speaker Tom Dixon'Liquorice'

March 12th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

March 19th Town Hall. Speaker Roger Witts ex RegistrarTBA

March 26th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

April 2nd Town Hall. Speaker Janet Niepokojczcka'The Isle of Colonsay'

April 9th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

April 16th Town Hall. Speaker Jackie DepelleRemnants of a lost life - A brief encounter with life and World War I

April 23rd Town Hall'Training Meeting'

April 30th Town Hall. Speaker Brian ElseyArchaeology in North Duffield 

May 7th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

May 14th Town Hall. Speaker John Lee'Knight Templar at Temple Hirst'

May 21st Town Hall'Training Meeting'

May 28th Town Hall. Speakers Michael and Mrs Wright Family

June 4th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

June 11th Town Hall. Speaker Ken Deacon'Airships Over The Humber'

June 18th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

June 25th. Outing'Trip to Howden with Susan Butler'Lunch at Aire and Calder. 

July 2nd Town Hall'Training Meeting'

July 9th Town Hall. Speaker David Lewis.Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (23 July 1828 – 23 June 1913), Born in Selby. Engish surgeon, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, venereologist and pathologist

July 16th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

July 23rd Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle'Family History Travels'

July 30th Town Hall'Training Meeting Cancelled'

August 6th Town Hall. Speaker Barbara Dixon (Rtd Registrar)'The Fun of Family History'

August 13th Town Hall'Training Meeting Cancelled'

August 20th Town Hall. Speaker Tony Stevens.'Selby Abbey'

August 27th Town Hall'Training Meeting Cancelled'

September 3rd Town Hall. Speakers Bob and CharlesA Chance to Learn all About "Family Tree Maker" & "Family Historian". The Worlds Favourite Family History Software.

September 10th Town Hall'Training Meeting' Cancelled.

September 17th Town HallAGM. Don't Forget Your Subscription

Saturday September 21st Doncaster School for the Deaf, Leger Way DN2 6AYFamily History Extravaganza 10am - 4pm

September 24th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

October 1st Town HallMeeting Cancelled, Hall in use by another group.

October 8th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

October 15th Town Hall. Speaker Chris Cade (Actor)'George Hudson Railway King, in person'

October 22nd Town Hall'Training Meeting'

October 29th Town Hall. Speaker Stuart Whitwell'Radio Nostalgia Quiz'

November 5th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

November 12th Speaker Karen Adams'Local Archeology'

November 19th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

November  26th  Speaker Chiefly Yourselves'The History and Mystery of Personal Objects'

December 3rd Town Hall'Training Meeting'

December 10th Town Hall, Speaker Susan ButlerEmigration at Various Times in History with Local Examples, Puritans, Quakers, Agricultural Distress etc.

December 17th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

December 24th, December 31st and January7th'Club Closed'


January 14th 11am. The Owl Hotel Hambleton'Christmas Lunch and Quiz'

January 21st Town Hall Speaker Tom Dixon'The Workhouse'

January 28th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

February 4th Town HallTBA

February 11th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

February 18th Town Hall. Speaker Sharon Garner'Elizabeth Fry and Her Links to York'

February 25th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

March 4th Town Hall. Speaker Paul Dryburgh (Borthwick Institute)'The Cause Papers'

March 11th Town Hall'Training Meeting'

March 18thTown HallPotpourri

March 25th Town Hall'Training Meeting

April 1st Town Hall. Speaker Dr Julie Rugg'The Plot Thickens'

April 8th Town HallTraining Meeting

April 15th Town Hall. Speaker Chris Cade'Arthur Walkers Great War'. One Soldiers Experience of WWI

April 22nd Town HallTraining Meeting

April 29th Town Hall. Speaker Ron Christian'The History of York Castle'

May 6th Town HallTraining Meeting

13th May Town Hall. Speaker John Punton'The House That Jack Built'.

May 20th Selby Library Family History Day

May 27th Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle"Sources before 1837"

June 3rd Town HallTraining Meeting

10th June Town Hall. Speaker Jo Heron"The Metcalf Society"

June 17th Town HallTraining Meeting

June 24th Town Hall"Show and Tell"

July 1stTraining Meeting

July 8th Town Hall. Speaker Peter HigginbothamGruelling Experiences - three centuries of the workhouseSee website

July 15th Town HallTraining Meeting

July 22nd Town Hall. Speaker Barbara Wetherell"Scarlet Women"

July 29th Town HallTraining Meeting

August 5thTrip to The Merchant Adventurer's Hall + Lunch in York.

August 12th Town HallTraining Meeting

August 19th Town Hall. Speaker Gill Briscoe"The Singing Tree. A World War One Story"

August 26th Town HallTraining Meeting

September 2nd Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle"Further Family History Holidays"

September 9th. Town HallTraining Meeting

September 16th. Town Hall"Annual General Meeting. Subs Due"

September 23rd Town HallTraining Meeting

September 30th. Town Hall. Speaker Susan Butler'Family History through Newspapers"

October 7th Town HallTraining Meeting

October 14th. Town Hall. Speaker Eric Houlder"Sutton Hoo"

October 21st. Town HallTraining Meeting

October 28th. Town Hall. Speaker Ann Batchelor"The Right Perfect Musician"

November 4th. Town HallTraining Meeting

November 11th. Town Hall. Speaker Ted Mitchell."East End Evacs".Personal Memories of an Evacuee.Forget "Goodnight Mr Tom". This is the real story.

November 18th. Town HallTraining Meeting

Nov 25th.Visit to Nuclear Bunker at York and Pub Lunch.

December 2nd. Town HallTraining Meeting

December 9th Speaker Gill Briscoe."The Law and Parish Registers - and what it means for you"

December 16th. Town HallTraining Meeting

December 23rd Christmas Break

December 30th Christmas Break


January 6th Christmas Break

January 13th The Owl Hotel Christmas Lunch

Jan 20th. Town Hall. Speaker Brian Elsey. "North Duffield Iron Age Research Update"

Jan 27th. Town Hall Training Meeting

Feb 3rd. Town Hall. Speaker Roland plus 1 "Old Selby"

Feb 10th. Town Hall Training Meeting

Feb 17th Town Hall Speaker Mike Yarrow 'The Yorkshire Robin Hood'

Feb 24th. Town Hall Training Meeting

Mar 3rd. Town Hall. Speaker Rowland Ward 'More Slides of Old Selby'

Mar 10th. Town Hall Training Meeting

Mar 17th. Town Hall Speaker Ron Christian. 'York Walks'

Mar 24th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

Mar31. Town Hall Speaker Karen Wood. 'Executions at York'

April 7th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

April 14th. Town Hall. Speaker Dr Peter Asquith Cowen. 'Just Who are the English'

April 21st. Town Hall. Training Meeting

April 28th. Town Hall. Speaker Barbara Wetherall. 'Behind the Thin Blue Line'

May 5th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

May 12th. Town Hall. Speaker Muriel Bowker. Title of talk pending

May 19th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

May 26th. Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle. "Every Day Conservation"

June 9th Town Hall. Training Meeting

June 9th. Trip to Susan Butler's at Saltmarshe. Meal Afterwards

June 16th. Town Hall. Training Meeting.

June 23rd. Town Hall. Speaker Eva Lambert. 'The Abbot's Staithe'.

June 30th Town Hall. Training Meeting

July 7th Abbot's Staithe Guided Tour.

July 14th Town Hall. Training Meeting.

July 21st Town Hall. Speaker Dr Phil Judkins 'Tracing WW2 Relatives'.

July 30th Town Hall Training Meeting

August 4th Town Hall. Speaker Chris Cade. 'Brunel's Billiard Table?

August 11th Town Hall. Training Meeting

August 18th Committee Meeting. No Meeting at The Town Hall

August 25th Town Hall Training Meeting

September 1st Speaker Jackie Depelle. 'WW1 Battlefields & Cemeteries'

September 8th Town Hall Training Meeting

September 15th Town Hall AGM

September 22nd Town Hall Training Meeting

September 29th Town hall. My History, Why am I here

.October 6th Town Hall Training Meeting

October 13th Town Hall. Speaker Susan Butler.

October 20th Town Hall Training Meeting

October 27th Town Hall. Speaker Ken Sayner.

November 3rd Town Hall Training Meeting

November 10th. Town Hall. Speaker Ray Newton. The Monk Fryston Dig 2015.

November 17th Town Hall Training Meeting

November 24th Town Hall. Speaker Phil Judkins. WW1 Relatives.

December 1st. Town Hall. Training Meeting

December 8th. Town hall. Speaker Chris Cade. Scrooge.

December 15th. Christmas Break

December 22nd. Christmas Break

December 29th. Christmas Break


January 5th. Christmas Break

January 12th Christmas Party. The Owl Hambleton.

January 19th. Town Hall. Speaker Barbara Wetherall. "Look Mum That Soldier's a Lady".

January 27th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

February 2nd. Town Hall. Speaker Martin Millward. "Freemasonry".

February 9th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

16th February. Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle. "Living Through Source Material"

.February 23rd. Town Hall. Training Meeting

March 1st TBA

March 8th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

15th March. Town Hall. Speaker Eric Houlder. 'Winwaedfield, Whitby & Dracula'.

March 22nd. Town Hall. Training Meeting

March 29th TBAApril 5th. Town Hall. Training Meeting

12th April. Town Hall. Speaker Richard Wimpenny. Haig and his Generals.

19th April. Town Hall. Training Meeting

26th April Town Hall. Speaker Susan Butler. 'Ferries'.

3rd May. Town Hall. Training Meeting

10th May Town Hall. Trip to Aughton Church and White Swan Bubwith.

17th May. Town Hall. Training Meeting

24th of May. Town Hall. Speakers the Richardsons. 'The Woman Who Didn't Exist'.

31st May. Town Hall. Training Meeting

7th June. Town Hall. Speaker Peter Asquith Cowan.'Doggerland'

14th June. Town Hall. Training Meeting

21st June TBA

28th June. Town Hall. Training Meeting

5th July. Town Hall. Speaker Helen Cox. Famous Funerals.

12th July. Town Hall. Training Meeting

19th July. Town Hall. Speakers The Richardsons. 'The Fate of the Eighth'. (Sequel to 'The Woman Who Didn't Exist')

26th July. Town Hall Training Meeting

.2nd August. Speaker Jackie Depelle. Upstairs Downstairs - 'From Humble Beginnings to the American Dream'.

9th August Town Hall Training Meeting.

16th August TBA

23rd August Town Hall Training Meeting.

30th August Town Hall. Speaker Peter Asquith Cowan.'Doggerland and the Formation of the East Riding'

6th September Town Hall Training Meeting. 

13th September Town Hall. AGM

20th September Town Hall Training Meeting.  

27th September. Town Hall. Speaker Ron Christian. 'Skelder Gate to North St'.

4th October Town Hall Training Meeting. 

11th October. Town Hall. Speaker Shirley Sinclair. 'Rogues and Vagabonds in My Family'

18th October Town Hall Training Meeting.  

 25th October. Town Hall. Speaker Chris Cade. 'Olaf’sTales of Battle'.

Hear of Harald Hardrada’s Viking victory at Fulford but defeat at Stamford Bridge in 1066

1st November Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

November 8th. Speaker David Lewis. '"Durability, Efficiency, Economy" : a guide to kitchen management from 1903Look at Selby Civic Society Website for further Information. Looks very interesting and there may be Cake.

15th November Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

Saturday 19th. We will be hosting a stand at the Brayton Church Christmas Fair 10:00am - 1:00pm

November 22nd Town Hall. Paul Waddington. Reclamation of Pocklington Canal.

29th November Town Research and Training Meeting.

December 6th Town Hall. Speaker Barbara Weatherill talking about her family and Harewood Village.

13th December Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

December 20th to January 10th Christmas Break.


January 10th Committee Meeting

January 17th Lunch and Quiz at the Owl Hambleton.

24th January Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

31 January Town Hall Speaker David Scrimgeour talking about Life in the asylum.

7th February Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

14th February Town Hall "What Was That You Said". A SDFHG Production.

21st February Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

28th February Town Hall Speaker Kelly Marsden. "TWILE" a diffent kind of Family History package

7th March Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

14th March Town Hall. Speaker Ken Sayner.Ken asks --- "Share Your Triumphs, Or Failures. Members Input Please".

21st March Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

 28th March Town Hall. Speaker Peter Asquith Cowan. 'Witch Craft': Why Did Women Always Get the Short End of the Straw?

4th of April Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

11th of April Town Hall. Speaker John Leak 'Foggathorpe and the Clarkson Family'.

18th of April March Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

25th of April Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle

2nd May Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

9th May Outing to Lotherton Hall etc.

16th of May Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

23rd of May Town Hall. Speaker Jerry Ibbotson. 'The Bar Convent', York

30th of May Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

6th of June Town Hall. Speaker Anisha Christison. 'Researching Your Mining Ancestors'

13th of June Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

20th of June. Town Hall Speaker Shirley Sinclair.

27th of June Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

 4th July. Town Hall. Follow up from Shirley. Family Occupations, Group Input Required ! 

11th of July Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

18th July Visit to West Yorkshire History Centre Wakefield

25th July Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

1st August TBA

8th of August Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

14th of August Committee Meeting.

15th August Town Hall. Speaker Jackie Depelle

22nd August Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

29th August. Town Hall Members Day Objects of Historical Significance

5th of September. Trip to Epworth. The Wesley House.

12th September AGM

19th September Trip to Cowick with Ken. Exploring the Parish Chest

26th September Town Hall Research and Training Meeting.

3rd October Cine and Video Presentation of Old Selby by Jenny and Bob Crossland.

10th of October Town Hall. Research and Training Meeting

17th October Town Hall. In house meeting "Favourite Photos and Their Significance".

24th October Town Hall. Research and Training Meeting

31st October Town Hall. Speaker Alison Wragg. Martin House "Setting up a New Archive"

.7th November Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

14th November Town Hall. Speaker Ken Sayner. The Palfreyman Story.

21st November Town Hall Research and Training.

28th November. Town Hall. Chris Cade. "The Butler"

.5th of December. Town Hall Research and Training.

12th of December Town Hall. Members to bring Items that Remind them of Christmas's of the Past. I'm told that there may be Cake.

19th Dec, 26th Dec and 2nd Jan. Christmas Break


9th of January 2018. Committee Meeting.

23rd January - David Scrimgeour - Development of photography in asylums

30th January - Research/training 

6th February - Brian Luckins - Asylums (in-house)

13th February - Research/training

20th February - David Morris - Introduction to deeds and family history

27th February - Research/training

6th March - Visit to Fairfax House, York

13th March - Research/training

20th March - Eric Jackson - The Pontefract Murder

27th March - Research/training

3rd April - Easter traditions (in-house)

10th April - Research/training

17th April - Jackie Depelle - "Which website?"

24th April - Research/training

1st May - May Day (in-house)

8th May - Penny Hemingway - Selby's textile industries

15th May - Visit to the Bar Convent, York

22nd May - Research/training

29th May - Mark Simpson - A church in time - Pickering wall paintings

5th June - Research/training

12th June - Attic treasures (in-house)

19th June - Research/training

26th June - Dulcie Lewis - Not just Yorkshire puddings!

3rd July - Research/training

10th July - favourite recipes (in-house)

17th July - Research/training

24th July - Jackie Depelle - Non-Conformist ancestors

31st July - Research/training

7th August - Living History Day Selby Abbey

14th August - Research/training

21st August - Bibles, prayer books and hymnals (in-house)

28th August - Research/training

4th September - Visit to British Library, Boston Spa

11th September - Research/training/committee meeting

18th September - Rona Houlton - St. Mary's war dead

25th September - Research/training

2nd October - Annual general meeting

9th October - Research/training

13th October - Doncaster History Fair

16th October - Selby Cine Club

23rd October - Research/training

30th October - Then and now photos (in-house)

6th November - Research/training

13th November - Jacky Cooper - Wellington remembered

20th November - Research/training

27th November - WW1 - member's commemorations

4th December - Research/training

11th December - Christmas free for all!

Christmas break until 2019!


January 8th  “The Pasadena New Years day Rose parade 2016”.  By Ken Sayner

January 15th Lunch and Quiz at the Boothferry Golf Club

January 22nd. A talk by Glenys Whyte of the National Trust. 'A House Built on Love and Chocolates' (Goddard's York) 

January 29th Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

February 5th. Members talking about their fond and funny memories of confection a few years ago.

 February 12th Town Hall Research and Training Meeting

February 19th The Barnbow Lasses by Carole Smithies. The Dark History of the Leeds Tank Factory

.February 26th Town Hall Research and Training 

5th March. Members talking about their families Memories of WWII.

March 12th.  No meeting at the Town Hall. Trip to Beningbrough Hall. Organised by Mr Brian Luckins

19th March - Wills and Probate - Gary Brannan (Borthwick)

26th March - Research/Training

2nd April - Inheritance and legacies (in-house)

9th April - Research/training

16th April - Jackie Depelle (Female in the family)

23rd April - Research/Training

30th April - in-house on theme of Female in the family.

7th May - Research/training

14th May - speaker Francis Loftus, Anne Boleyn's Prayer books

21st May - Research/training

28th May - Just a little question? Do you have a "brick wall" which you have overcome or do you still have a "little question"? 

4th June - Visit to Brodsworth Hall.11th June - Dulcie Lewis - Down the Yorkshire Pan

18th June - Research/training25th June - In-house session based on Memories of the privy

2nd July - Research/training9th July - Selby's Ancient Woodland - talk by Derek Cooper from the Brayton Barff group

16th July - Research/training

23rd July - Mighty oaks from little acorns. What made you begin your family tree and what was your starting point? A family bible? Family myth?We would love to hear your pathway into family tree research. Come along and share your story, however brief!

30th July - Research/training

31st July - Selby Abbey Living History Day - we have a stall in the Abbey along with many others. Come along and support this historic 950 event.

6th August - NO MEETING

13th August - Research/training

20th August - Memories of family holidays - do you have any memories you can share about holidays from times past?

27th August - Research/training

2nd Sept Jackie Depelle. Crest of a Wave

10th Sept - Research/training

17th Sept In House - Crest of a Wave In the future...

1st October - Jacky Cooper - a fascinating speaker visiting us again on the subject of British Home Children.

24th September - Visit to Holgate Windmill in York. Meet at the windmill at 10 am. £3.00 per person entry. Lunch to follow at the Carlton Tavern

1st October - Jacky Cooper - a fascinating speaker visiting us again on the subject of British Home Children

.8th October - Research/training session.

15th October - Annual General Meeting. Please come along and support the officers and committee who keep your group running. Nomination forms will be handed out at prior meetings.

22nd October - Research/training session.

29th October - Due to technical reasons, Carole could not give us her talk. Instead we watched a Fred Dibnah industrial past DVD.

5th November - Research/training session.Topic - which families are you researching and which software do you mainly use?

12th November - Carole Smithies MBE - Barnbow lasses WW2. A re-scheduled talk from a very entertaining speaker.

19th November - Research/training session, with a short information session about using the GRO (General register Office) website.

26th November -  Eric Jackson - The Gunpowder Plot3rd December - Research/training session, with a short session about copying, pasting and gathering information from screen displays.

10th December - Festive meeting - a light-hearted meeting, with a quiz and some food. Come along and join in!Christmas break - Happy Christmas!!


7th January 2020 - research/training session at 10a.m, plus a Committee meeting beginning at 10.30. 

14th January 2020 - post-Christmas meal at Boothferry Golf Club. 

21st January - speaker Mrs. McKeown - History of York Minster Library and the care of their books.

28th January - Research / Training with a short talk about maps online

.4th February - Member-led session - do you have any treasured books or maps which you would be prepared to show us and say a few words about them? 

11th February - Research/training session.

18th February - Dr. Mike Tyler from Murton Farming Museum will speak about the Land Army.

25th February - Research/training session

3rd March - Member-led session - any stories from the Land Army days?

Coronavirus stopped physical meetings at the Town Hall

4th August - Digging into Censuses with Jackie Depelle (Zoom)

11th August - no meeting

18th August - no meeting

25th August - Committee meeting, to discuss the future of meetings, venues and ways forward.

1st September - a Zoom speaker, Eric Jackson talking to us about the rise of model villages.

8th September - a practice session using Zoom, plus a chance to share any research tips or problems. 

15th September - a Zoom speaker, Jenny Mallin speaking about 'A Grandmother's Legacy'.

22nd September - no meeting

29th September - Committee meeting

6th October - possibly a general meeting for anyone to drop in. If you have a research problem, or info to share with us, please drop in. Link to be sent to members.

13th October - Zoom speaker Tim Coltman - The distinguished stretcher-bearer from WW1.

20th October - any new research you have discovered. One or two members could tell us about their recent findings.

27th October - Zoom speaker Gareth Howell - Struggle of the miners (1919-1990) 

3rd November - Annual General Meeting (Zoom)

10th November - Zoom speaker Eric Jackson - RemembranceSaturday 

14th November 2020 - FHF Really Useful Family History ShowPoster - click HERE for more details

17th November - member-led Zoom session (more details to follow)

24th November - Sue McGeever - Hats and Huts: Ladies of the YMCA and their contribution to the Great War

1st December - Pot luck, member-led Zoom session

8th December - Jackie Depelle - Digging into Parish Chest

15th December - Christmas entertainment (bring your own food and drink!)


5th January 2021 - post-Christmas catch-up. Have you any new discoveries to share?

12th January 2021 - shops of Selby. Which do you especially remember?

19th January - Dr. Janet Few - Ship to Shore - our maritime ancestors (Zoom talk)

26th January - a favourite/notable relative from your tree? Tell us about them!

2nd February - Gill Blanchard - Time and Place - a look at Trade and Directories gazetteers

9th February - using the directories and gazetteers, what have you found? A brief report would be lovely!

16th February - Jane Gulliford Lowes - Writing your family history

23rd February - Census problems! Missing people, mysteries. A problem shared may be solved......

2nd March - Jim Ryan - Introduction to Irish Records

9th March - a short group meeting, possibly discussing the Irish ancestors in Selby(?) followed by a committee meeting

16th March - Jackie Depelle - Cradle to Grave - a 'back to basics' talk

23rd March -  member-led meeting. Have you discovered any new info from Jackie's talk last week? Or, do you have a question to ask the others?

30th March - Chris Broom - Humour in Genealogy!

6th April - member-led meeting - Find the Funny! Have a look through your research for the amusing and eccentric aspects. 

10th April - FHF Really Useful Show online

13th April - Rosemary Cook - Tales from Dringhouses Railway - the solicitor, the skater, the signalman and the scholar

20th April - Railway memories - our own members take centre stage with any information or stories about ancestors who encountered/worked on the railways.

27th April - Genuki - Malcolm Austen will be talking to us about the fascinating world of GENUKI

4th May - What have you found out from GENUKI this week? Following the excellent whistle-stop talk by Malcolm and Colin last week, what have you discovered by using the site?

11th May -  Rags, bones and donkey stones - Harold Hoggarth will talk to us about these disparate objects - should be interesting! Harold is a well-known speaker who has been speaking in public for fifty years. 

18th May 2021 - Twenty Years On - our anniversary meeting celebrating 20 years of our group's existence. Please provide your own piece of cake/bun/sandwich/trifle and a drink. There may be a Quiz!! We'll have a proper gathering when we can!

25th May - DNA: what testing can or cannot do for you - a presentation by Carolyn Huston on the subject of .....DNA ! 

1st June - a chance for us to talk about our own experiences with DNA testing. I also have some old (1950s-60s) photos from Selby and Brayton which our members might be able to identify. A mystery meeting!!

8th June - another mystery meeting! We are waiting for confirmation of a speaker before other dates drop into place. Watch this space........

15th June - a member-led meeting. We are hoping members will prepare a short presentation or contact Sheila to tell her what they would like discussing. We can cover several topics in one meeting, so here's your chance!

22nd June - Transported across the seas - a talk by Les Mitchinson, a well-known speaker is joining us for this meeting at 10a.m.

29th June - Hunting for the black sheep! A member-led meeting with hopefully, members reporting back from any research they may have undertaken on any of their own 'black sheep' or others they may have discovered during the week!

6th July - The Archive of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission with Kim Davies. For those of us who need to research in this area, it should be an interesting talk. See you there!

13th July - Member- led meeting, hopefully featuring members reporting back on their own use of the website of the CWGC archives. it doesn't have to be a fancy slideshow, just a few nuggets of information would be just as interesting!

20th July - Gay Evans - Annoying ancestors - that sounds interesting, come along and find out more!

27th July - last meeting before our break and the announcement of the website competition winner!! Be there for the big reveal!!👀🎈🎈

7th September - welcome back to the Town Hall for a catch up/plan our much-overdue birthday celebration. Hope to see you there. More news nearer the date.

14th September - 20th birthday celebration meeting. Bring along some buns, biscuits, cake, or whatever you would like to eat at a celebration. Drinks will be provided. There will be a quiz!!👀 Nomination forms will be available.

21st September - research / training / hybrid meeting preparation - Do you have a query? Do you want to start research? Have you hit a brick wall? Our members may be able to help.

28th September - Jackie Depelle - In the name of Family History - stories from archives, museums, libraries. This will hopefully be a hybrid meeting, with Jackie at home and members in the Town Hall. We are still discovering whether Jackie will visit us in person. Nomination forms need to be handed in by today.

5th October - Research / Training meeting and a COMMITTEE MEETING

12th October - Annual General Meeting and a short meeting. If you have an object or a memory from the start of your journey into Family History, perhaps you could say a few words about it?

19th October - Skipwith Church and the moated manor dig, explained to us by Janet Patrick and Mark Simpson. This should be very interesting!!

26th October - Tony Saxton will be coming to challenge us with an antique quiz, or rather, a quiz about antiques. Sounds like fun!

2nd November - research and training meeting.

9th November at 10a.m. - bring an antique or special possession and hopefully tell us a little bit about it, our own version of the previous speaker.

16th November at 10a.m. - Research and training meeting

23rd November at 10a.m. - Grace Chapman, Selby Abbey Community Engagement Officer, will be telling us about the Selby Stories Project.

30th November at 10a.m. - Research and training meeting

7th December - member-led meeting - tell us the stories of Christmas

14th December - festive meeting, with mince pies and good company


4th January - Committee meeting to discuss the way forward in light of new restrictions and falling member numbers

11th January - at 11a.m. Our Christmas meal, at The Oaks Golf Club near Bubwith. Those who have signed up are welcome at the meal  - Sheila is sending an email for you to confirm whether you are attending. We hope you are, although a face mask will be needed in the venue.

18th January - in the Town Hall (back room) at 10 a.m., we have Tony Saxton, speaking about one of his ancestors 'Christopher Saxton, Elizabethan Map Maker'. Do come along and listen to the presentation by this popular speaker.

25th January 2022 - Research and training beginning at 10a.m.

1st February - 1921 census - Paul Nixon from Find My Past is going to talk us through what is available on the new census and how to access it. This will take the form of a video to watch in the Town Hall meeting room. This is part of a whistle-stop tour of the country to inform as many as possible. Link to see other meetings HERE

8th February - Research and training - we may be able to help you out with the 1921 Census.

15th February 2022 at 10a.m. - Jackie Depelle appearing by Zoom at the Town Hall, speaking about 'Out and about with family history'

22nd February - research and training, very poorly attended (2 members apart from committee)

1st March -  1921 Census - another viewing of the video talk by Paul Nixon of Find My Past, but this time looking at the important parts in more detail (stopping the video to discuss) and chance to make notes if needed. A useful re-visit! 

8th March - Research and training morning - a lively crowd made some progress with their own trees and much advice was sought!

15th March - Jean Renwick spoke to us via Zoom about her book The Mourning Brooch. A very interesting talk.

22nd March - Research and training meeting. A bit quiet, but it was a sunny morning!

29th March - Bring along a brooch - memories kept alive by jewellery, books, letters, etc.

5th April -visit to Pickering to see the wall paintings in the parish church, with lunch afterwards at a local garden centre.

12th April - Lynda Telford speaking about women and marriage in the Middle Ages.

19th April - research and training

26th April -  a good number gathered to discuss the results of the 1921 census and how the information has helped.

3rd May - research and training

10th May - Tony Saxton - The Royal Observer Corps and their work during WW2 

17th May - Research and training morning.

24th May - royal memories, leading us towards the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

31st May - Research and training meeting

7th June - Chris (PC) Cade entertaining us with events surrounding the 1953 Coronation and the excitement of the occasion.

14th June - research and training - a small group attended, but we had fun!

21st June - a general meeting about our recent discoveries and any useful websites. A good few minutes were spent talking about outside toilets!!

28th June - research and training - once again a small group, but progress was made.

5th July - Helen Baggott spoke about her love of post cards-'from paper kings to hardware barons', an interesting talk via zoom, a true hybrid meeting.

12th July - a research meeting, few people attended but it was a very warm morning. we enjoyed it though, and helped some members to access the internet for their research.

19th July - a zoom meeting due to the extremely hot weather, some of us explained the postcrds from our collection, some from distant parts from long ago, and others from local area.

26th July - visit to Temple Newsam for a Cellar tour. Great fun! See the parts of the house others don't normally see.

6th September -  holiday memories, past and present and a welcome back

13th September - research and training meeting, with a discussion about the recent death of Queen Elizabeth.

20th September - a talk by Shirley Sinclair about a recent Heritage Lottery funded project which saw loads of research into dusty archives and talking to local people.

27th September - AGM - fourteen of us followed the procedure for an AGM and welcomed Martin as our new Treasurer, following Charles stepping down. 

4th October - research and training - lots of exchange of ideas and information.

11th October - another visit from Jackie Depelle, this time in person, to speak about wills and probate. A very informative talk.

18th October - a good number gathered to carry out personal research, ask questions and pay their annual subscription.

25th October -  a moderate number discussed wills and probate following Jackie's talk a fortnight ago, raising important points about the ordering online and the role of solicitors.

1st November - a very good number gathered for a chat and personal research, sharing information and ideas.

8th November - Dulcie Lewis spoke, in a very entertaining way, about remedies, potions and cures from history, some more recent than others. Rose-hip syrup? Virol? Cinder tea?

15th November - research morning - ideas exchanged about how to find elusive ancestors.

22nd November - member-led session about our own memories of cures and remedies from our past. A lively session.

29th November - research and training session6th December - a talk by Mark Lewis over zoom, cards, cribs and christingles. Our first talk to include a visitor from Arizona, Ted was most welcome, especially as it was 3a.m. for himwhen we began!!

13th December - committee meeting for the discussion of various topics concerning the group. More details in the New Year.


3rd January 2023 - festive meal at The oaks Golf Club near Bubwith. Twenty-one people attended and it was very pleasant!

10th January - a very small number of stalwarts braved the weather to find the internet not working until late into the morning.

17th January - a select group braved the frosty weather to listen to recent discoveries from our research. These ranged from a pharmacist in Otley, through a coincidence in Bradford to a connection to the Rothschild! Then we had coffee.

24th January - research and training - a scattering of regulars and a couple of visitors. I explained about presentations to one person.

31st January - Jackie Depelle - Grave Concerns. How to use resources to research the circumstances of a death.

7th February - research and training session - no internet, largely a waste of time!

14th February - grave concerns part 2 - members shared their experiences of discovering new links through gravestones, sometimes eerily coincidental!!

21st February - research and training meeting. I wasn't there nor was Muriel (full of colds!)

28th February - 22 members turned up in person or by Zoom to hear an interesting talk by Graham Harrison, mainly about London but applicable to any town or city in those times.

7th March - research and training session with new visitors who may become members.

14th March - about a dozen members met to tell tales of our mothers and the sort of life they led, giving us an insight to the past.

21st March - a small number discussed slide copiers, speakers and the trials of research in general. 

28th March - Fifteen members met in the Town Hall to watch a video webinar about migration from rural to urban areas in Victorian Britain and the reasons for this move. It was very interesting and may provide fresh ideas to investigate.

4th April - a few members left the sunshine behind to carry out their research at the Town Hall.

11th April - a good number of members met to do an Easter Quiz, share memories of Easters past and find out about new features on the Ancestry site from a very fast-speaking video presentation.

18th April - research and training

25th April - David Haviland, one of our members, gave a fascinating talk into the history of the National Children's Homes and life basis. A good number gathered to hear the illustrated talk.

2nd May - a very small number gathered to have a chat about ongoing research and eat biscuits! We need more members to attend, or these sessions may be under threat.

9th May - David Lewis treated us to a talk about the bargemen who worked on the Ouse in the past, with sound clips of Laurie Dews, one of the last men to work on the barges.

16th May - a research session, attracting a few members and enquiries.

23rd May - Jenny gave us an insight into her research progress and the way in which we seem to be related! A recording of her talk was sent to Ted for him to watch at a more sociable time!

30th May - a research session with a chance to copy slides/negatives onto an SD card.

6th June - Brian showed us a DVD of past life in Sussex, most of which applied to Yorkshire in terms of dress, transport, etc.

13th June -a research session with a chance to copy slides/negatives onto an SD card.

20th June - Dr. Colin Chapman joined us by zoom to talk about family history using educational records. This talk flagged up the number of records available by looking into log books, alumni newsletters, etc.

27th June - a very small number met to continue research and copy slides to SD cards. These numbers are not sustainable.

4th July - a fair number met to share educational stories and memories - thanks to Brian, Mark, Pauline and Shirley for their contributions - I know there more waiting in the wings, but time got away with us in the end.

11th July - a small but lively group met to discuss research and ask each other questions. The ginger biscuits were very nice, Brian!

18th July - Jackie Depelle spoke about our connections with country houses and how we might go about finding out those connections. Another interesting talk from our regular visiting speaker.

25th July - a small group met to copy slides/negatives and exchange news of our research and discuss our next moves.

22nd August - a group visited the Borthwick Institute for Archives at York. A guided tour by Laura showed us all the important parts of the archive and some stayed on to research in the afternoon.

5th September - research and a committee meeting. All useful!

12th September - Chris Broom entertained us with various ways of overcoming our 'obstacles' in our research, formerly called brick walls. Much to take away with us, things to try and questions to ask!

19th September - a research meeting was made rather special by a visit from Ted Tonkinson, his wife, his son and his grand-children, who joined our meeting for a chat and to look at various resources.

26th September - Ted Tonkinson and his wife Elizabeth visited us from Arizona and entertained us to a talk about Tasmania and then more about Ted's family tree connections to Yorkshire and our group! Most of us are related to Ted!!

3rd October - a few select members met to discuss progress and drink coffee and tea. A good morning!

10th October - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - this was quite well attended and we quickly dealt with the business of the day, including approving some changes to the constitution.

17th October - a dozen met to discuss progress, ask questions and put our names down for visits to Selby Abbey and our meal in the New Year.

24th October - Jenny recalled some of the high points of Ted's visit to Yorkshire and showed us some of her own pictures.

31st October - A small group met for research and training.

7th November - unfortunately Eric Jackson could not visit us, but we made use of the time by looking at some pictures of old Selby and discussing the changes to our town.

14th November - a visit to Selby Abbey for a guided tour was a very way to spend a morning, with some of us climbing to the ringing chamber. many thanks to all at the Abbey.

21st November - our connections to Selby Abbey. A fun morning looking at old documents, photos and listening to tales of our connections to this famous building.

28th November - a small group came together to continue research.

5th December - Jan and Shirley entertained us with a virtual tour around Osgodby. Very interesting!

12th December -  a festive research meeting attracted about a dozen members. Mince pies, brandy snap, crisps and crackers were accompanied by Christmas music and a short quiz. Festive!

9th January 2024 - festive meal at The Oaks - very tasty!

16th January - unfortunately Chris Cade was unable to join us, but we had a back up plan of an old map of Selby to look at and some pictures of old Brayton, Burn and Hensall. Chris has been re-booked for 13th February.

23rd January - a research meeting attracted a good number of members and some first-time visitors. A useful morning.

30th January - a good number attended to share news of recent discoveries in sometimes remote areas of their trees, involving transportation, Irish potato famine, family bibles, local tragedy and discovering a long lost relative. We also discussed the proposal to destroy original wills after they have been digitised. That prompted quite a discussion!

6th February - a small number met to continue with research and ask each other questions about Selby's history and New Zealand!

13th February - a very good crowd came to hear Chris Cade in the persona of Sunny South Sam, a railway guard on the south coast in the forties and fifties. A good time was had by all, acting, singing and handling 'old' coins. A good morning! 

20th February - a small group gathered to drink coffee, discuss research and enjoy the company!

27th February - a good number met to share stories of connections to the railways from the past. We had signalmen, tragic accidents in a Bradford goods yard, old cine film from Selby Railway bridge and old photographs.

5th March - a fair number met, we exchanged news and ideas, we had two visitors tracking down relatives in Selby.

12th March - a zoom meeting, with about a dozen attending. It was good to see Ted again, although he joined us from Arizona at 2.30a.m. - truly dedicated! A good exchange of news and sharing of questions. Thanks to all concerned.

19th March - a good number met to catch up on research, ask questions or pass on tips about resources available. We also had a new visitor who quickly settled in and made some friends.

26th March - almost 20 people met to listen to Shirley reminding us about how to go about our research, which resources are available to us and the need to check our findings.

2nd April - a research and training meeting took place.

9th April - a visit from David Scrimgeour. He spoke about Yorkshire's watermen and flagged up the Yorkshire Waterways Heritage Society. Yet again, a very interesting and entertaining talk.

16th April -  a few members met to continue research, discuss progress with others or pass on news.

23rd April - a good meeting, watching a DVD brought in by Pat, about the Wakefield Press group of newspapers in the 1950's. An interesting insight to the way of life all those years ago. We also looked at some pictures from Byram Hall, now sadly absent from the landscape. Brian's presentation and Jenny's information saved for another time!

30th April - due to the fine weather, a bit quiet this morning, with no new visitors and few members. A start was made on listing the cupboard contents, prior to refreshing the list on the website. News and dates were exchanged.

7th May - Jackie Depelle told us the stories of three girls who lived in Leeds and had interesting lives, discovered due to Jackie's ability to find resources and use them effectively to find the facts. Once again, a Jackie masterclass!

14th May -  a research meeting with about a dozen members, discussing recent finds and copying slides onto SD cards. Preparations were being made for tomorrow's grant award meeting. The library is still being catalogued.

21st May - Jenny told us about Dr Todd and his life in and around Selby, leading to a general discussion about past uses of buildings on Park Street and Gowthorpe.

28th May - research and training session

4th June - a zoom talk by the North Yorkshire Record office

11th June - research, training and copying session

18th June - a very interesting talk by Brian Luckins, about his uncle and his life in uniforms of one sort or another. Very interesting, thanks Brian! 

25th June - a busy morning of research, training and copying, all three happening along with coffee!! 

2nd July - a visiting speaker, Elizabeth Hallett BEM spoke to us in a very entertaining way about the life of a district nurse in East Yorkshire during the last decades of the twentieth and the early part of the twenty-first centuries. It was fascinating to hear some of the stories and how much was expected of a small band of nurses. Some very funny stories too!! Thank you.

9th July - research, training and copying session

16th July -  two speakers from our own ranks told us about nursing in the Selby District and a relation who rose to high ranks in the big department store business, both very interesting talks. Thanks.

 23rd July - a busy research session, searching the 1921 census records, beginning powerpoint presentations, asking questions and drinking coffee!

30th July - a very interesting talk by John Lee about the Knights templar in Yorkshire, telling us about their history and their presence in our local villages.

After the August break, 3rd September - research and training combined with a committee meeting during which many items were discussed to help our meetings run smoothly.

10th September - Jean Renwick spoke to us via zoom about the next instalment of her Mourning Brooch story. The session was plagued by technical problems and many thanks for those who helped to get us connected.

14th September - a lively time was spent at Birkin Church where Sheila and Jenny talked to many people and found out some interesting facts about the church.

17th September - a research and training session took place. I was unable to attend but understand it was a useful session.

24th September - John Barber entertained us with a talk about Yorkshire's forgotten admiral, one Henry Jackson, who deserves a much more prominent place in the history books. Thank you John.

1st October - another research and training session was held in the studio of Selby Town Hall.

8th October - our AGM passed off, being finished by 11.45am., a new record! Jenny Hammond was voted in as our new Chair and matters were discussed. Well done to Jenny for stepping forward!

15th October - a lively research and training morning.

22nd October - Our visit to RAF Snaith Museum, at Pollington, was a great success, with almost twenty visitors listening carefully to a talk by Tony about the history of the airfield. Zoe made us feel very welcome as we enjoyed tea, coffee and cake from the NAAFI. There were several rooms to explore, all filled with interesting artefacts donated from various sources. There was also a display dedicated to the Land Army, who moved in after the airfield closed. It is well worth a visit!

29th October - a select few met to discuss our research, ask questions and drink coffee!

5th November - a member-led meeting, which was full of information and linking themes. We had contributions from several members telling us about RAF service at different airfields, a moving story about Japanese POWs and a link between one area of research and another member's research into the Royal Navy during WW2.

12th November - a dozen members met for a lively session, exchanging news, stories, resources and links for our website.

19th November - a visit from Jackie Depelle, this time talking about discovering house history : ideas, resources and websites. Another fascinating canter through all the resources available to researchers.

26th November - a good number (just over a dozen) met to discuss research, exchange website addresses and ask about technical issues. We also discovered a copy of Nick Baratt's book about tracing the history of your house. Useful!

3rd December - a good number met to hear stories about the histories of our houses, or a particular house. We had contributions from new and established members and it was a very informative morning. There was also a quiz, testing our knowledge of places within 50 yards of the Town Hall - interesting!

 10th December -fifteen members arrived to have a good gossip, research, exchange news and drink coffee. We had to put out an extra table!