Jean Renwick spoke to us by Zoom about her book The Mourning Brooch. This was a very interesting talk detailing the research and the lives of the real-life characters in the first book of the trilogy.
Jean Renwick spoke to us by Zoom about her book The Mourning Brooch. This was a very interesting talk detailing the research and the lives of the real-life characters in the first book of the trilogy.
Research and training meeting, rather poorly attended. If more people don't come to these meetings, we may not be able to continue holding them.
It was a momentous meeting as we entered into the hybrid era. Jackie spoke to us about her travels to research family history from her home, speaking over Zoom. Most of our members were in the Town Hall and a few joined us by Zoom, one from Lanzarote! It was judged a success and I can see this will be repeated, broadening our choice of speakers.
This was a video talk by Paul Nixon which was well-received by a good number of members. There was a wealth of information passed on, main point being, don't dive in - read the useful tips and hints. We may well re-show the talk at another meeting, or Zoom it to your home. Which would you prefer? Let me know in the Comments section.
Research and training
Tony Saxton entertained us with a talk about his ancestor Christopher Saxton, an Elizabethan map-maker hailing from West Yorkshire. An interesting talk with some humorous asides and digressions into other subjects!
Visiting the Oaks, golf course and venue - a very enjoyable meal was taken by all, with a quiz and an entertainment from Brian.
A small number of us gathered to enjoy a quiz or two, some excellent food and exchange Christmas news. No more meetings until January - see the Forthcoming Meetings page for details.
A good number of us shared our memories of Christmas past. We heard about a red pedal car, too much chocolate, historic photographs marking the end of an era and the smell of a fire freshly lit. A good morning!
Our annual post-Christmas meal is planned for the Oaks golf course just outside Bubwith. If you haven't already chosen your courses off the menu, please contact the Secretary soon.