Over 20 members heard the zoom talk about London street life in Victorian times by Graham Harrison. It was interesting to hear about the different jobs which were taken on by poor people - I think collecting dog poo for the tanning industry has to be one of the worst! Welcome to Ted too for joining us from Arizona in the middle of his night! 

Members were thin on the ground this morning, illness, nice weather, etc. but those who did attend seemed to make progress.

A good number gathered to hear about our own members' experiences of developing a family tree through graves, funerals, documents, etc. We travelled to Bradford for amazing coincidences at a Bethel Chapel, Hemingbrough for undiscovered family ties, Manchester for the guinea gravestones discovered by Graham and Mark's discovery of a photo of his great-grandfather. Sheila finished with a tale of South America and a Whitby cemetery. A good morning's entertainment. 

About a dozen members arrived to find there was no internet access in the Town Hall and, despite the best efforts of the staff and IT specialists, we abandoned the morning. Disappointing

A generous crowd filled the Town Hall back room to hear Jackie Depelle appear via a zoom link telling us about Grave Concerns. This talk covered every aspect of how resources can be used to fill out the circumstances of a death and where these resources can be found. Jackie has kindly produced a hand-out with these resources - if you want it, email Sheila or me.

 A good number were busy at their research this morning and I explained the basics of making a presentation. Visitors also kept us busy! 

A good meeting to find out about recent discoveries in our research. We heard about a pharmacist from Otley, discovered from a found hymn book, distant connections to the Rothschild family and life in the streets of Bradford, leading to amazing coincidences within our group! 

-  a very small number met and found the internet less than helpful until it had been re-started. We need more members at the research meetings. 

The committee met at the Town Hall to discuss various topics, which will be shared in the new year. Until then, Merry Christmas!!

A talk by Mark Lewis over zoom, cards, cribs and christingles. Mark reminded us of the significance behind our traditions, a seasonal reminder. It was also our first talk to include a visitor from Arizona, Ted was most welcome, especially as it was 3a.m. when we began!! He seemed wide awake and was most welcome. 

A select group carried out their own research in warm, cosy surroundings.

A modest gathering discussed remedies for all sort of ailments from the past, with shared knowledge and some interesting memories.