A select group met to discuss recent events, exchange news and drink coffee/tea! A good morning!

 Ted Tonkinson and his wife Elizabeth visited us from Arizona and entertained us to a talk about Tasmania and the female convicts who were sent there. Ted then told us more about his family tree connections to Yorkshire and our group! Most of us, it seems, are related to Ted!! Pictures will be appearing on the Photo gallery page (and the Selby Times!). Many thanks to everyone who attended and especially those who helped provide food, washing up, etc. All much appreciated. 

A research meeting was made rather special by a visit from Ted Tonkinson, his wife, his son and his grand-children, who joined our meeting for a chat and to look at various resources. 

Chris Broom entertained us with various ways of overcoming our 'obstacles' in our research, formerly called brick walls. Much to take away with us, things to try and questions to ask! 


9th September - we set up our display and table in Selby Abbey and had a steady stream of visitors enquiring about our group. Many leaflets were given out! It was a lovely day, and cool in the Abbey!

 research and committee meeting. A useful meeting with some decisions which will be shared at the AGM on 10th October.

 A small group gathered to exchange research progress, copy slides and negatives, (re-living old memories in the process) and receive reminders about laptop technique. No more meetings until September. Enjoy the Summer!!😀😁 

18th July - Jackie Depelle visited us once again, this time looking at country houses and the connection to them which we might not realise at first. A bit of digging around and the links begin to emerge. There is always something to take away from these talks, a new angle to explore! 

We met to ask questions, drink coffee and talk about our research. A loss was made on the meeting. 

A fair number met to share educational memories or research gained by using resources, mainly on Find my past. A worthwhile morning, promoting much discussion over coffee. 

A very small number of members met to discuss research, continue looking at records or copy slides to SD card. These sessions are under threat if numbers do not increase. 

Dr. Colin Chapman joined us by zoom to talk about family history using educational records. This talk flagged up the number of records available by looking into log books, alumni newsletters, etc.