A good research session with a chance to copy slides/negatives onto an SD card. 

 Brian brought a DVD of life in Sussex from the turn of the twentieth century, showing folk at the beach, in carnivals and making trugs! It was very interesting. 

A small group met to discuss advances in their research and have a look at the new slide/negative copier. We also have new flyers to distribute. 

A good number of members gathered to hear updates on research stories, in particular Jenny, who has found a link between herself and Ted our American member, explaining how the DNA results have helped to confirm that link. A special morning!

A few members arrived to continue their research and swap stories from their own family trees.

 David Lewis spoke to us about the lives of the bargemen on the River Ouse, loading and unloading various cargoes at the riverside. A very enjoyable morning 

Research and training session attended by a few hardy stalwarts. Much coffee was consumed and discoveries shared !

one of our own members, David Haviland, gave an interesting talk about Dr. Bowman Stephenson, who set up the first National Children's Homes and gave us an insight into the more recent daily life in one of the 'family-organised' homes. Many thanks to David for stepping in at short notice.  

Some people met to continue their research.

A good number of members met to do an Easter Quiz, share memories of Easters past and find out about new features on the Ancestry site from a very fast-speaking video presentation. Many thanks to those who came to the meeting. 

A few members left the bright spring sunshine to continue their research in the quiet, studious atmosphere of the historic Town Hall building. We will have made a loss on this meeting, not enough income to cover the rent of the room.

Fifteen members met in the Town Hall to watch a video webinar about migration from rural to urban areas in Victorian Britain and the reasons for this move. It was very interesting and may provide fresh ideas to investigate.