A visit from David Scrimgeour. He spoke about Yorkshire's watermen and flagged up the Yorkshire Waterways Heritage Society. Yet again, a very interesting and entertaining talk. There are numerous records available to search through, at www.ywhs.org.uk . 

A research and training meeting took place, I believe, although I wasn't there.

 Almost 20 people met to listen to Shirley reminding us about how to go about our research, which resources are available to us and the need to check our findings. Marie also donated a printer to our group which I thought could be used at research meetings, to print out new discoveries or other purposes. 

A good number met to catch up on research, ask questions or pass on tips about resources available. We also had a new visitor who quickly settled in and made some friends. 

 This morning was a zoom meeting, with about a dozen attending. It was good to see Ted again, although he joined us from Arizona at 2.30a.m. - truly dedicated! A good exchange of news and sharing of questions. Thanks to all concerned. 

A fair number met, we exchanged news and ideas, we had two visitors tracking down relatives in Selby. 

A good number met to share stories of connections to the railways from the past. We had signalmen, tragic accidents in a Bradford goods yard, old cine film from Selby Railway bridge and old photographs. 

A smallish group met to sample biscuits, drink coffee, eat chocolates and continue research, sharing discoveries along the way!

  A very good crowd came to hear Chris Cade in the persona of Sunny South Sam, a railway guard on the south coast in the forties and fifties. A good time was had by all, acting, singing and handling 'old' coins. A good morning! 

 A small number met to continue with research and ask each other questions about Selby's history and New Zealand! 

 A good number attended to share news of recent discoveries in sometimes remote areas of their trees, involving transportation, Irish potato famine, family bibles, local tragedy and discovering a long lost relative. We also discussed the proposal to destroy original wills after they have been digitised. That prompted quite a discussion! Thank you to everyone for their contribution. 

A research meeting attracted a good number of members and some first-time visitors. A useful morning.